Our goal is to create opportunities to radically encounter the living God and share the good news of the Gospel with all we meet!
Go FISH Outreach ~
Go Forth & Invite Someone Home
Igniting those in our pews to REACH OUT and
Inviting those not in our pews to REACH IN!!
Connecting People to Dynamic Faith Filled Communities! We’ve seen the transformation hundreds of times – people full of doubt and uncertainty - searching, questioning...then God surprises us with His amazing love! The change may start slowly – in a Bible Study, Theology on Tap, at a thought provoking movie, a service opportunity – but once it begins, it picks up speed... bringing us closer to finding our place in the family of God! Take the first step towards a life of love, joy and peace....join us at one of the gatherings listed ...email me in advance and I'll meet you at the door! Bring a friend ALL Are welcome! All Ages All Faiths!
Go FISH Outreach ~ Who we are...
Go Forth and Invite Someone Home! Igniting those in our pews to REACH OUT and inviting those not in our pews to REACH IN
During these challenging times, we pray that you are your loved ones are safe and filled with God's peace and joy. Please let us know if there is any way we can pray for you.
Also have FREE blessing bags if you want one, let us know!
Go FISH stands for Go Forth and Invite Someone Home.
Home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Jesus is alive - body, blood, soul and divinity in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist!
So for 15 years, Go FISH Outreach has been ...
Igniting those in our pews to REACH OUT and
Inviting those not in our pews to REACH IN!!
Jesus said, "Come and Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!"
So GFO has been trying to live out this passage with these pillars...
1.Create/promoteCome and See Eventsto personally encounter our living God and proclaim the good news of the Gospels
2. When you encounter Christ, we are radically changed and choose to FOLLOW HIM! GFO creates opportunities to journey together to grow in devotion and knowledge of Jesus challenging each other to take one step closer to Christ each day.
3. To know Jesus is to Love Him which challenges us to "Go FORTH" and proclaim the good news of His birth, death and resurrection! Since we all wrestle with how to share our faith, GFO promotes conversations and opportunities to become everyday evangelizers to all we meet thus becoming FISHERS OF MEN! We are called to personally invite people "home."