Our goal is to create opportunities to radically encounter the living God and share the good news of the Gospel with all we meet!

It's TIME - 5 Things you can do TODAY!

 1.  Make a Prayer Space or Prayer Basket in your home.

  • The space could include a bible, a journal, a pen, a rosary, a candle, sacramentals Holy objects, statutes or pictures ~ Spiritual books to help you pray - Other ideas! Now take some time in your prayer space to give it a try - STOP - get quiet  - ask the Holy Spirit to quiet other voices and come into your heart - Jesus loves you, He died JUST for YOU! He is standing right in front of YOU - Ask Him to reveal Himself to you - Ask Him to help you understand - Surrender your life to Jesus and see what HE SAYS TO YOU!

 2. Gather your family together EVERY DAY in this space and THANK GOD and pray for the Blessed Mother to shelter you under her protective mantle

  • Gather together and take time to let everyone bless each other with Holy water. It's Time to PREPARE and get all prayed up
  • If you live alone, please ask one or two others to "gather and pray" with you virtually! Read the daily readings, say a rosary, ask, "Where did you see God today?" and end with Thanksgiving and praise that we are blessed to live in this unbelievable time of mercy!
  • See the Resources Page of links to prayers, devotionals and consecration

3. When you are taking an inventory of your pantry, also take a spiritual inventory of your life and see what you need more of and what you can get rid of to enhance your soul. What a great time to be alive!

  • Who is God to you and who are you to God? God loves you and wants to be a part of your life - He wants to give you joy, peace, mercy and love.  If you want more HOPE and less DESPAIR - come into the new ARK for our times - A spiritual "Shelter at Home!"
  • Find a good examination of conscience and really ask God to reveal the areas of your life that He wants to change. Go to confession if it is available to take out the trash.

4.  When you are stocking up on supplies, stock up on sacramental grace and spiritual "fruits of the Spirit!"

  • Get to mass - go to www.MassTimes.org OR, there are so many virtual ways to go to mass, hear homilies, go to adoration, rosaries, read daily readings, or Liturgy of the Hours, novenas,  and more. How will you praise God online?
  • Read up on plenary indulgences and STOCK UP
  • Try Fr Mike's Bible in a Year or Catechism in a year podcast
  • Call a friend to check up on them and pray with them

5.  Operation Consecration ~ Bless yourself, your home, work and family. 

​​​ We have BLESSING BAGS with blessed salt and holy water to give you forFREE!